
Lessons from Nature Project Information 

In developing Lessons from Nature project the partners have carried out a range of research and development.

Baseline research was conducted into the current use of learning outside the classroom in relation to sustainable development, and on current approaches and resources than could support Lessons from Nature. The research was focused on project needs and so was necessarily narrow, however, the report highlights several interesting issues. You can download the full report here. Country reports are also available on request.

The project developed a monitoring and evaluation approach based on Quality Assurance Criteria. These were used to encourage constant reflection on the project and the approaches adopted, supporting change where necessary. You can download the report here.

The external evaluation of the project can be found here and the final project report here.


Acest proiect a fost finanţat de Comisia Europeană. Această pagină web reflectă numai viziunile autorului,
şi Comisia nu este responsabilă de folosirea informaţiilor conţinute aici.
Lecţiile Naturii ( LFN) © 2012